Pathfinder 24-25 – Speed Run!
Alright, not much time to write this stuff up, so we’re going at turbo speed today!
Session 24:
Started book 6. Needed to figure out how to get to Mhar Massif, where Karzoug is in the city of Xin Shalast. Went back to Sandpoint, talked to the historian dude (Brodert Quink/Gune) to get more info. Apparently it’s fucking impossible to reach, but two dwarf brothers may have. Went to find them up near the mountains.
Both Dwarves are dead, one a cannibal ghost. Yeah. Creepy house, haunts, missing notebook pages, beat up a ghost. Get the lost notes from the brothers.
Battle in book: Wendigo
Not ran.
Wendigo has 1 or 2 actual interesting abilities, all of which are 100% negated by the party’s nice new weapons. Wendigo becomes a flying bite/claw/claw monster. Yawn.
Session 25:
Followed directions in notes. Followed river up to icy lake. Found naked ice chick (nymph) who just happens to be the cousin of the nymph we saved before. Yay coincidence! Naked ice chick gives the party a safe haven in her little ice lake. Warns against going north, but casts spells to help group anyways.
According to directions, party fasts and takes starvation damage, and halucinates a ghostly river. The dwarves really never should have found this out, if they weren’t retarded. Yay starvation!
Following halucinations! Seems like as good idea as any.
Hey look, a city! Fought some birdy men, helped a creepy, ugly dude to free his people, beat up an invisible demon to do so. Found a ring with the Sihedron rune (seven pointed star).
Original creature they were supposed to fight:
Advanced dread vampire decapus sorcerer 10
Ring of invisibility, plus Greater Invisibility spell. Plus reach, and 10 tentacle attacks each round. Oh yeah, and energy drain!
Yeah… that one didn’t stay in the game.
Ugly dude that they helped showed them a faster way through the city, and a tunnel to further up the mountain in thanks. Fought an evil ice witch (originally ice devil and wights, but this lady (Frostwind Virago) was just too much fun). Another similar ring, and a +4 icy burst returning spear.
Lessons learned:
- School takes too much time.
- Campaign almost over.
- News about the convergence of those two items will come soon.
lookintomyeyes on September 13th, 2008
Heh, my brain wants to correct you for not writing it as \”*** SEVEN POINTED STAR!!!! *** (with expressionistic pointing and dramatics) 😛